Pleasure-Rooted Life Coaching for High-Achieving Women Who Want MORE.

If you landed here, you are done playing small + hot damn ready to take your life by the reins and claim every damn drop of your desires.

I love you already.

Let’s get you tuned in and turned on.

You are a badass. A high-achieving woman with the street cred to prove it. You’ve crossed barriers and smashed ceilings. Well done, my love.

And as good as your life looks on the outside, on the inside you are craving more aliveness, deeper connection and intimacy with your loved ones and the kind of life that has you dancing in your kitchen on Monday morning.

Sweet. You have landed in the right place.

Welcome to The Feminine Rebellion.

Hey, love. Natty here.

My jam is guiding kick-ass women back into lives that are deeply rooted in pleasure, without having to sacrifice their success or time.

I’m not just your coach; I’m your co-conspirator, here to arm you with the life strategies, tools and practices you need to boldly claim the life you are desiring.

Together, we’ll unearth your desires and create a strategic, pleasure-lined path back home to your one + wild life.

I’m so f*cking thrilled you’re here.

Grab my Sacred Sunday Letters.

A little bit of pleasure, a dash of strategy + a whole lotta magic.