This is the one bold move that could change f*cking everything.

Ready to Fully Claim Your Life?

Sweet. And Welcome.

Together we will fan the flames of your desires all while pushing ripples of love into the world, cause a little ruckus, burning down the Patriarchy + dancing to 90s hip hop.

This is the deal.

If you’ve landed here, this is what I know about you.

You are pretty badass. You know what you want, you go for it + you usually achieve it. You get things done. People can count on you. You are amazing at making (often the impossible) things happen.

I love women like you.

And…on your way to all of that achieving + hustling, you might have left a few things behind.

Joy. Aliveness. Turn On. Sensuality.

Let’s get it back. Pronto.

My coaching is a Science-Backed + Body-Led.

This is why it works:

This work we do together is based in Neuroscience and Somatics (It’s not fluff). The processes we do together are deeply transformative, helping you shed decades of conditioning that have kept you planted where you are today. You will learn tools to settle your nervous system, amplify your pleasure, set strong boundaries, heighten your creativity and create deeper relationships with your loved ones.

I bring all of my juicy magic to the table - My Life Coach, Pleasure + Intimacy Training, Mentorships with Anti-Patriarchal Experts, Meditation + Yoga Teacher Trainings as well as several years studying Neuroscience provide the backbone of our time together. You will create a life where you achieve everything you desire and feel steeped in pleasure. Yes, you can have both. While we do follow The Pleasure Method™️ protocol, each client experience is bespoke, tailored to you.

I know this is possible for you. After years of coaching women, I know you do not need another best friend. You need an expert who will get you where you want to go. This is why I will love you hard and push you to your edges - which means sometimes I will (lovingly) call you on your BS.

Come drink from my elixir.

I work with high-achieving women who are hot-damn-ready to claim their pleasure as fuel without sacrificing their success or time.